Crane building

Abuco is the ideal partner for engineering and manufacturing high-quality lifting and hoisting equipment. Moreover, we are ready to effectively solve specific lifting and hoisting challenges.

High quality hoisting and lifting equipment

We build mast sections, pile drivers, booms, jibs and special lifting equipment. Our customer base includes crane constructors and crane users, which testifies to the trust in our expertise.

Repairs and modifications

In addition to new constructions, Abuco has extensive experience with repairs and modifications. Our craftsmen work in our workshop and on location, both onshore and offshore.

With a combination of craftsmanship, innovation and precision, we aim to deliver consistent quality that meets the highest standards in the crane construction sector.



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Working at Abuco

Craftmanship assured

Work with steel, high-tech machines and innovative robots. Discover the possibilities of our craft in our workshop and on location.

Challenge yourself and grow into an Abuco craftsman or craftswoman.